COSMOB creates the first label dedicated to the evaluation of the furniture circularity

The transition to an increasingly sustainable economy is one of the key points of the policies implemented by the European Union, the latter focusing on the promotion and development of innovative, sustainable and competitive business models.
In this context, the measurement of product circularity has become an essential requirement in order to pursue concrete actions and measurable objectives as well as to ensure greater market transparency.

For a supply chain such as the wood-furniture one, the evaluation of product circularity can and must be the way forward for many companies in the sector, to fully integrate sustainability within the overall corporate strategies.
In doing so, they will be able to continuously improve their production as well as obtain significant economic and competitive advantages, including:

  • Greater efficiency in the use of resources, through the choice of materials that can combine economic and environmental efficiency.
  • Productions reflecting the principles of ecodesign, already evaluating in the early stages of design strategies aimed at identifying sustainable solutions.
  • Better reputation avoiding the greenwashing.

Is it possible to measure the circularity of furniture products?

The measurement of circularity plays a fundamental role in the development of furniture products that reflect as much as possible the principles of the circular economy, increasingly inspired by Eco-design.

Within this scenario, COSMOB is today the first technological center in Italy able to support companies in evaluating the circularity of materials used for the design and manufacture of furniture products, providing reliable results, objective and fully measurable.

In order to support companies that are undertaking their own sustainable transition path, COSMOB has developed a specific technical specification and certification scheme Cosmob Qualitas Praemium “Circularity of the furniture product”, which allows to obtain a punctual evaluation of the circularity of the materials used for the realization of its products and to demonstrate concretely the adopted sustainable orientation.


The reference label dedicated to the furniture circularity

At the heart of the certification scheme is the label “Furniture Product Circularity“, the only one dedicated to the sector: a distinctive tool for the qualification and enhancement of the results achieved by the company, in terms of sustainable use of material resources throughout the entire life cycle of the furniture product.
The label is based on an in-depth analysis of input materials (input) and output (output): the overall aim is to draw up a material balance, taking into account all materials entering the company as well as the end-of-life destination of the product.

To date, the leading Italian companies in the sector have obtained the COSMOB certification “Furniture Product Circularity”, demonstrating the growing investment in sustainability and its green orientation: from the efficient use of resources, eco-design up to the possible recycling and recovery of certified products.

We believe that sustainability is no longer just a necessity but a real opportunity for the entire world manufacturing sector: when a company decides to convert it into a priority, it becomes an integral part of the overall strategy, generating transversal benefits in all operational activities.
This paradigm oriented to sustainability and innovation will be able to increase the competitiveness of the furniture product and more generally of the entire Italian manufacturing, while enhancing the importance of our Made in Italy.

For further info:

Eng. Luca Vegliò
Auditor – Certification Body